Career Planning Advice for High School Students: The Future of Gaming Culture in the Business World
Digital games have an increasing momentum day by day and this will probably continue for a long time, but in this video we want to discuss the structure of gaming culture itself rather than digital gaming. Especially in the last few years, it has been seen that the concept of gaming, independent of digital, has become a big trend in itself. In fact, it is not only a trend, but also one of the most important integration tools. The fact that this is seen more intensely in the business world, frankly, surprises many people, but on the other hand, it excites them. Of course, this intensity is not limited to the business world. On the other hand, we can see examples of this in education. How so? Namely; Minecraft was bought by Microsoft for a very serious amount of money a few years ago, and Microsoft’s purpose in this purchase was to use Minecraft in the educational world. How can Minecraft be used in lessons? This is its equivalent in the world of education.
Also, as we mentioned, there is a huge gaming culture influence in the business world. The gamification technique used in recruitment processes is one of the most concrete examples of this. In addition, we can state that the game culture is frequently used in marketing departments. In many sub-titles, especially customer relations and corporate communication, there are good feelings triggered by the games on the other side. Those were the equivalent so far, we’ll talk about a much larger scale in the next guy. For example, we are talking about an esports economy that is increasing day by day. In recent years, brands have started to give importance to cooperation with teams in this sector. Sectors that focus on dynamism and want to catch up with the younger generation, such as banking, are the best examples of this. Firms in the banking sector; From naming sponsorship to issuing special bank cards for players, it is fed by this ecosystem and culture at many stages. In the next stage, we think that this cooperation will reach larger dimensions and have a more intertwined structure. Because e-sports will be the most popular sport in the world by the 2050s, so it has a big cake to take from football. It is you, current high school students, who will expand this cake.
As the generation that is currently in the business world, we are also involved with games, but our connection with games was not as dynamism-oriented as yours. In addition, 6–8 years are needed for the business world’s point of view towards games to turn from being an alternative to becoming a necessity. What you can do at this stage is on which ground you can combine the business world with games. Because, as a group that sees both sides, you actually have the formula for combining these two.
In particular, advancing on a sector-based basis will provide you with better gains in this regard. Doing this now will make you a specialist and shaping your career planning when you start university. It may be premature to think about it right now, you may see this scenario as utopian, but that’s the way it is. What matters for companies today is not what you read, but what you present. This is especially true for innovative companies. Moreover, what is important for you is what innovative companies want.
It is possible to use games in many different areas as a culture. For example, when I ask the source of this with many of my foreign-speaking friends, I get the answer “games” in a substantial way. While playing a game, he talks to someone from the other side of the world on the microphone and because he does this all the time, he unconsciously has a good speaking level. Here you can commercialize these processes under different headings. Or, if the concept of commercialization does not suit your world, you can spread your own subculture in the business-management world.
The important thing is that the content you offer opens a different door in the business world and this adds value to the companies. When you start doing this now, you will find that many private universities accept you with full scholarships. What you need to do now is to get a notebook and develop solutions based on games in the sectoral sense and write in that notebook. When you do this consistently, at some point you’ll find that you’re an expert at developing ideas. Combining this with a good research process will make you one of the successful people of the future.